Descargar Savage God: A Study of Suicide de A. Alvarez Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Críticas 'The Savage God is the first study to attemp the historical, literary, philosophical dimensions of the mystery of suicide... It is brilliant, touching, and oddly passionate... An ambitious, exhaustive exploration into the nature of the self-destructive element in man.' Reseña del editor 'Suicide,' writes the notes English poet and critic A. Alvarez, 'has permeated Western culture like a dye that cannot be washed out.' Although the aims of this compelling, compassionate work are broadly cultural and literary, the narrative is rooted in personal experience: it begins with a long memoir of Sylvia Plath, and ends with an account of the author's own suicide attempt. Within this dramatic framework, Alvarez launches his enquiry into the final taboo of human behavior, and traces changing attitudes towards suicide from the perspective of literature. He follows the black thread leading from Dante through Donne and the romantic agony, to the Savage God at the heart of modern literature. Biografía del autor A. Alvarez is a highly acclaimed poet, novelist, literary critic, and author. He lives in London.

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